Multiple Wish List

How to enable?
 Go to Commerce Management Center → Store Management → Select Store →  Select Wish list, Widgets and Feeds Tab and check “Multiple wish lists” check box.

Characteristic's of Multiple wish list

1.         Wish Lists are stored in gift registry tables.
2.         New Gift List SOA Service
a) GiftList noun

A subset of these elements is used to represent wish lists. The Boolean element Registry indicates whether the noun represents a gift registry or wish list.

Wish List Display Code

1. User will be always having a default wish list. The code snippet to get default wish list for a user is

2.         Get details of the selected wish list of a user. Here “selectWishListExternalId”  is the identifier of the wish list selected by the user.

This object snippet calls findGiftListByUniqueIDs expression build to get the specified SOA wish list

3.         Get all the wish lists for a user
            type="[]" var="soaWishLists" expressionBuilder="findWishListsForUser">
            <wcf:contextData name="storeId" data="${WCParam.storeId}" />
            <wcf:param name="accessProfile" value="IBM_Store_Summary" />

4.         Iterate through all the wish list's for a user and get details of the each wish list.

Gift List Tables

1.         GRGFTREG -- This table stores both gift registry and wish list profile information.
2.         GRGFTITM  -- This tables stores information about a gift registry and wish list item.

Madisons My Account Wish List page and Details

Personal Wish List page

In this page, registered customers can view their wish lists or create new wish lists. Customers can also e-mail their wish lists to their friends and family.

Elements of a Personal Wish List page

JSP files

·WishListDisplay.jsp represents the entire page.
·           BreadCrumbTrailDisplay.jsp represents the area where the My Account hierarchy is displayed.
    LeftSidebarDisplay.jspf represents the left navigation.
·           MultipleWishListController.jsp represents the wish list dropdown and associated operational buttons.
·           WishListResultDisplay.jsp represents the area where the catalog entries associated with the wish list are displayed.

Multiple wish list popup

The multiple wish list popup page to create a new wish list, edit the name of an existing wish list, or delete a wish list.

Multiple Wish List Pop up create / edit the name of a wish list / delete a wish list

JSP files

MultipleWishListPopup.jspf represents the multiple wish list popup page. The content of the popup changes depending on whether the customer clicked Create a new wish list, Change your wish list name, or Delete this wish list from the My Account: Personal wish list page.

Links and buttons

     1.  When the Save button is clicked:
            The AjaxGiftListServiceCreate service is called to create the new wish list, if AJAX shopping cart is enabled.
         The GiftListServiceCreate service is called to create the new wish list, if AJAX shopping cart is disabled.
        When the Cancel button is clicked, the popup page closes and the wish list page is displayed.
        When Close is clicked, the popup page closes and the wish list page is displayed.

     2.  When the Save button is clicked:
            The AjaxGiftListServiceUpdateDescription service is called to change the name of the currently selected wish list, if AJAX shopping cart is enabled.
            The GiftListServiceUpdateDescription service is called to change the name of the currently selected wish list, if AJAX shopping cart is disabled.
        When the Cancel button is clicked, the popup page closes and the wish list page is displayed.
        When Close is clicked, the popup page closes and the wish list page is displayed.
     3  When the Yes button is clicked: .
            The AjaxGiftListServiceDelete service is called to delete the currently selected wish list, if AJAX shopping cart is enabled.
            The GiftListServiceDelete service is called to delete the currently selected wish list, if AJAX shopping cart is disabled.
        When the No button is clicked, the popup page closes and the wish list page is displayed.
        When Close is clicked, the popup page closes and the wish list page is displayed.

Send Wish List Email configuration

 The OOB wish list email jsp is InterestItemListNotify.jsp. This can be modified to send a customized wish list email.

Struts-config entry of  InterestItemListNotify.jsp
<forwardclassName="" name="InterestItemListMessageView/10101/-3" path="/Messages/InterestItemListNotify.jsp">
         <set-property property="implClassName"  value=""/>
        <set-property property="interfaceName" value=""/>

The AjaxGiftListAnnouncement service is called to send multiple wish list email.

Multiple Wish List services

When multiple wish lists are enabled, the GiftCenterFacadeClient is used to invoke the GiftList services. Wish list data is stored in the gift registry database tables.

Create a wish list and add item to the created wish list

– Call GiftCenterFacadeClient.createGiftList()
– Call GiftCenterFacadeClient.addItem()
-           GRGFTREG, GRGFTITM populated

Remove from wish list (updates the gift registry item table to remove the item )

– Call GiftCenterFacadeClient.updateItem()
-           Update GRGFTITM to remove item

Delete wish list
-           Call GiftCenterFacadeClient.deleteGiftList()
-           Update GRGFTREG to remove item


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