Dyna caching in WCS
Caching improves response time and reduces system load to improve the performance of world-wide web applications. The Dyna caching service includes:- ü Servlet or JSP result cache, caching the fragments of JSP or whole page. ü Command cache to cache business objects. ü Edge Side Include (ESI) caching to cache, assemble and deliver the dynamic web pages at the edge of enterprise network. ü Invalidation support to ensure that the content of cache is correct. Invalidation can be rule-based, time-based, group-based and programmatic. ü Replication support, to enable cache sharing and replication on multiple servers. ü Disk offload capability, to enable and storing large amount of data, preserve the content in the application server until it is restarted or stopped. The caching specific behaviour of the WCS is specified in the cachespec.xml present in the Stores.war . Dyna cachi...