
Showing posts from February, 2014

E-commerce development Point should be remember before kick start

1 .  Use SSL only within your cart. There’s a hell of a lot of debate around this. But one fact is clear: SSL page requests require more server cycles than non-SSL page requests. If your site gets tens of thousands of page and file requests per day, it adds up. Plus, if your whole site’s in SSL, things like Google Webmaster Tools won’t work. So only use SSL for pages that need it: Your checkout process, and any other pages where a customer has to enter confidential information. 2 .  Don’t use SSIDs in your page URLs. Ever. . SSIDs are ugly things like ?sid=asdfweroi120398123582745 that end up on the end of URLs on some sites. They’re used to uniquely identify a user session, for purposes of tracking stuff like your cart contents. They’re also unnecessary until you put something in your cart. So don’t use them, at all, on the site unless someone’s added something to their shopping cart. 3. Use good validation. When the designer asks you to check if someone forgot to type ...

Attribute Dictionary

Attributes and Products relation will be there in CATENTRYATTR table. Other required tables are, ATTR, ATTRDESC, ATTRVAL, ATTRVALDESC. Using the Services provided by OOB we can get this data by passing the catentryId and langId. WCS Service: < wcf:getData type = "" var = "catentryAttr" expressionBuilder = "getStoreCatalogEntryAttributesByID" >       < wcf:contextData name = "storeId" data ="${param.storeId}" />       < wcf:param name = "catEntryId" value ="${product.entitledItems[0].itemID}" />       < wcf:param name = "dataLanguageIds" value ="${WCParam.langId}" />   </ wcf:getData > WCS Service will be called by using “ wcf:getData ” tag library. We need to specify expressionBuilder which is already there in get-data-config.xml ( This file will be under the foll...

Fetching response through JSP

1: For parsing xml response from JSP   see the following file-    search.jsp 2: For parsing faceted response from JSP see the following file-          facetedsearch.jsp

Data Importing From Database

1: Move into folder c:\project\apache-solr-1.4.0\example\solr\conf 2: Create data-config.xml file . 3: Type following code- <dataConfig> <dataSource driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ofbiz" user="root" password="root“ />     <document name="books">  <entity name="books" pk="id" query="select id,name,price,category,publisher from books">         <field column="id" name="id" />         <field column="name" name="name" />  <field column="price" name="price" />         <field column="category" name="category" />         <field column="publisher" name="publisher" /> </entity>    </document> </dataConfig> 1: open solrconfig.xml file 2: Copy the fo...

Calling of admin panel

1: For admin panel type following url.        http://localhost:8993/solr/admin 2: Search text box will appear. 3: Type any content and click search button . 4: Xml response will generate without record .

Solr server execution

1: move into command prompt. 2: move to directory     cd   c:\project\ apache-solr-1.4.0\example 3: execute following command          java    –jar    start.jar 4: It will start solr server on port 8993

Solr Installation

1: create new folder like project. 2: unzip file 3: move into apache-solr-1.4.0 / example / webapps. 4: extract the solr.war file. 5: set solr home   path solr.home=c:\project\apache-solr-1.4.0\example\solr

What Is Solr

Solr is an open source enterprise search server based on the Lucene Java search library, with XML/HTTP and JSON APIs, hit highlighting, faceted search, caching, replication, and a web administration interface.


What is solr. Solr installation. Solr server execution. Calling of admin panel. Data importing from database in solr . Fetching response . Faceted Search with solr.